Gadol Back To School Loan Facility
This product was designed in line with our inclination towards promoting access to quality education among children. It makes quick loans available to parents/guardians for the specific purpose of paying tuition and all other financial obligations required to enable their wards return to school. Our back to school loan has the lowest interest rates of all our products. Children/wards of customers who maintain outstanding academic performances are by this product exposed to incentives such as scholarships and other forms of support.
- Gadol Fund Management
- Financial Advisory
- Gadol Asset Acquisition Facility
- Gadol Contract Finance Facility
- Gadol Invoice Discounting Facility
- Gadol Auto Loan
- Gadol Back To School Loan Facility
- Gadol Commercial Loan Facility
- Gadol Education Loan Facility
- Gadol Pay Day Loan Facility
- Gadol Personal Loan Against Salary